Gear coming soon…

not a gravity.

The Gravity Pro is my primary racquet, I was a massive Wilson and Babolat person before, but Head is now where it’s at for me. So let’s talk about the balance of power and control. Obviously as a beginner, all I was interested in was power. You want to hit big, and fast. Most coaches will tell you that you have to learn control first, as you can always generate more power later. That is why most shots you make as a beginner end up just bulking up your enforced error percentages. This racquet will not come with a ton of power right out of the box. You will need to train, and train hard to hit hard. That is why is it such an awesome piece of hardware. No BS just you and you alone can turn it onto an effective tool. The frame is sweet just the right width in my opinion, and it feels perfectly balanced. The stingbed is great with a nice sweet spot that will make most of your volleys hit the right angles effortlessly. Not an easy racquet, but one for an intermediate or advanced player, a serious weapon to be reckon with.

Head Gravity Pro Review


I think it is fair to say that Roger Federer is the G.O.A.T. of tennis. Now, by all means I am no expert on the subject, and anyone who has been reading my posts can vouch of that. I also never mention the pros, mostly because this site is supposed to be more about my thoughts on tennis, and also because there are so many other blogs covering the topic. I will however briefly talk about Federer, just because I feel it is relevant. Anyone who has ever watched the man play can attest of his mark on tennis, and there will not be many courts where you won’t find his racquet being played with or his moves emulated. His nonchalant style will forever leave a mark on tennis, and I can say that for me he has been an aspiration and a true idol. Long live the king!

King Fed


.True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost. Arthur Ashe

Photo by Tom Fisk on

One fundamental aspect of the game is of course knowing the rules. They are all well documentated ( check out ) and should be reserched by any tennis enthusiast before playing. There cannot be any issue of interpretation as they are plainly explained. They are also here to help you, as you can use your knowledge of the game as a weapon against your opponent! So play fair and square! More importantly. have fun!

Ya know the deal!
